A laboratory research equipment Malaysia is not enough to see your planned research through. No matter how advanced your scientific equipment and methods are, the ethical considerations of research is still an unchanged, major priority to avoid unnecessary harm and a lawsuit to the nuts. After all, your subjects are still human beings like yourself.
There are ethical principles that you must keep in mind when you are conducting research that involves human subjects. Never stray from any one of them.
A researcher must be wholly honest and transparent no matter how good or bad the results are. All scientific procedures and communications including data, procedures and publication statuses must be truthful from start to end. These, along with others such as analysis, materials and assumptions, must be disclosed in full to evaluate your research.
Now you don’t have to write every little detail in your papers, but write everything that actively contributes to your research, whether they are experiments, the reactions of your subjects or an accident that negatively impacted them that you have to immediately halt the procedure to save the subjects from further harm.
That is transparency. Never leave out details and outright deceive your subjects, colleagues and any benefactor contributing their assistance to your research project. Never fabricate your data and analysis.
You must also share your research tools, resources, data and results and be open to any criticisms.

The point of your research should be about finding out what happens to this and that if something happens to them, if you catch the drift. Every analysis, interpretations and conclusions must be based on the results of your experiment and subjects, nothing more.
Restrain yourself and your colleagues from making any bias in experimental designs, data collections and interpretations, peer reviews, personal decisions, testimonies and anything else where objectivity is expected or required.
If financial or personal self-interests are affecting your research, note and disclose them in your paper.
A good researcher is always accountable when addressing explanations or justifications of many aspects of the research. Always take responsibility and again, be transparent and truthful when you are explaining your own reasons for your role in the project and why.
Never throw anybody under the bus because even if you did succeed, it won’t take long before somebody else dug the dirt and found the real culprit, then turned the whole public against you as they know your experiment’s true nature and the culprit.
Remember that you are still living in a digital age where anything and anyone can be found out or looked into when they are on the internet. As it is in everybody’s hands, someone will do detective work to verify your justifications and honesty. It is easy to find culprits nowadays with time and effort.
There is a phrase on the internet: don’t forget, you are here forever. No matter how many so-called “accusations” you deleted, it will never be gone forever, because at least one person has saved it on their own device, and is ready to upload and spread the word again.