Breastfeeding has been the natural way for humans to feed their newborn young for thousands of years. Just because it is natural, it does not mean it comes naturally. Many women nowadays are having all sorts of trouble breastfeeding their newborn children. Many women also struggle to find the best way to breastfeed. This article might help you if you’re struggling to have your baby suckle on your teat to feed them the nutrition they need.

First off, after giving birth to your child, your doctor or nurse will advise you on breastfeeding and breastfeeding and how to breastfeed your child properly. Listen to their instructions carefully and remember how to implement them, as you will be on your own when you finally breastfeed your baby. Try to practice breastfeeding in the hospital as soon as possible. It is best to have the nurse next to you guide you at every step of the way. As you breastfeed your baby, you must hold your baby in your arms and approach your breasts. You then need to have your baby ‘latch on’ your nipples and have them suck your breast milk. Here’s how to do it. First, place the baby on its side until your baby is directly facing you, with your baby’s belly touching your stomach. Next, wipe your baby with a pillow, if necessary, and hold the baby up to your breast; do not lean on it. Next, place your thumb and forefinger around your areola. Then, tilt the baby’s head slightly back and rub your baby’s lips with your nipples until your baby opens his mouth wide. After that, help her “scoop” the breast into her mouth by placing your baby’s lower jaw first, just below the nipple. Finally, tilt his head forward, placing your baby’s upper jaw far above the breast. Make sure your baby takes the whole nipple and at least 1 1/2 inches of the areola in his mouth.
After successfully breastfeeding your baby, you will want to learn the timings of your baby’s mealtimes. Every two hours or each time your baby cries, put your baby to your breast to suck. To help your baby learn where to suck, rub your nipple or finger with your baby’s cheek to get your baby to turn towards your breast. The first few times your baby feeds, each nursing session might be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 45 minutes. Once your baby has worked out that you’re its source of milk and figured out its latch, suck and swallow, your baby will likely nurse for 20 to 40 minutes on each breast.
If you think that breastfeeding is uncomfortable or hurts too much, you can use breast pumps to help suck the breast milk into a container. Then you can pour the milk into a small handheld bottle to feed your baby. This way the baby does not have to directly suck on your teat to get its nutrients.
In conclusion, breastfeeding is an important part of your baby’s early growth. Since the best nutrients for the baby comes from the mother, it’s best to let nature take its course and let your baby feed naturally the way nature intended. For more articles such as this one, click here